
February 29, 2024

LIBERATION, goutou, 2011 | FRENCH

I'm almost mad. And I really should be! Mad for having waited all the years to get to my age  before knowing the real taste of chocolate. This for me, is the proper taste bud rebith. I have to add that the perpetrator is a Florentine; his people aren't exactly first offenders in matters of Renaissance. Claudio Corallo has however, left Tuscany of his birth many years ago, to dedicate himself first to growing coffee, in Zaire, and now cocoa beans in Sao Tome.
February 29, 2024

UP – TAP, inflight Magazine, Patricia Brito, 2015 | PORTOGAL

THE CHOCOLATE PRINCE: Claudio Corallo, the man who makes the best chocolate in the world.

Roaming the Atlantic on the imaginary line of the Equator, there are two small islands where the exoticism of the absolute green combines with the perfect taste of cocoa and coffee.

February 29, 2024

BBC, World News, 2004 | UNITED KINGDOM

"A tiny volcanic island off the coast of equatorial Africa has become home to what is described as the world’s best chocolate." 
February 29, 2024


“You see the car he drives, the simple way he lives, the things he does for this country? Don’t give us aid – give u ten clones of Corallo”

- Rafael Branco, a former foreing minister of São Tomé e Principe.

February 29, 2024

PONTO FINAL Claudia Aranda, 2015 | MACAU

“Agriculture that is not eco-sustainable is a suicide. Is like going on a boat and burn the wood to cook the fish”, Claudio Corallo says. Protecting the environment is not a utopia, or a luxury or a romantic thing, is to protect the boat in which we are surfing”
February 29, 2024

STREAM 20, Gaia Passi, 2017 | ITALY

Assaggiare il cioccolato di Claudio Corallo è un’ esperienza che coinvolge I cinque sensi…

Tasting Claudio Corallo's chocolate is an experience that involves the five senses ...

February 29, 2024

LATITUDES Magazine, Teresa Scacchi, 2017 | ITALY

"Fave suii’essiccatolo. Dal frutto alla lavorazione finale, tutto é seguito con la massima cura per arrivare a un risultato eccelso."

"From the fruit to the final processing, everything is followed with the utmost care to achieve an excellent result."

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